TFAA Registration Form
Please enter Allottee details below:
Tower No. *
Flat No. *
Project *
First Allottee Full Name *
First Allottee Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Occupation *
First Allottee Father or Mother or Spouse Name *
Joint Allottee Full Name
Joint Allottee Father or Mother or Spouse Name
Date of Birth of Joint Allottee (DD/MM/YYYY)
Mobile No. *
Landline No.
Do you want to get SMS alerts? *
Email ID (this will registered on our google group)*
Address *
City *
State *
Pin Code *
Country *
Type of agreement you have signed *
Date of flat booking (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Date of possession (DD/MM/YYYY)
Allotment Card Number: Example: Triveni/FBD/GAL/ALT/12345 or Triveni/FBD/SIGN/ALT/01230 etc
Allotment date DD/MM/YYYY (on Allotment card)
Total Amount paid to builder *
Total cost of flat *
Do you have loan on this flat? *
Bank loan amount and Bank name
Are you a refund category customer? *
Have you filed EOW complaint? *
EOW complaint number (D-NNNN eg D-5634)
EOW complaint date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Who referred you to this group?
Are all these details of flat allotte? *
Have you sent your documents for verification to admin?*
Are you one of existing or old JCC member?*
Please let us know if you have any comments
I accept terms and conditions. Click here to view terms and conditions